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Idaho State University


The proposed PCI Engineering Design Studio at Idaho State University (ISU) will be incorporated into the curriculum of the civil and environmental engineering department as a new technical elective “PCI Engineering Design Studio” (CE 4499/5599). The studio will be a 3-unit engineering class. It will be offered once every year during the fall semester. A summary of the activities for the studio is charted out as follows.

Year 1

Studio I: Precast Bridges (3 units)

* Introduction to precast/prestressed concrete

* Plant tours to Teton Prestress Concrete in Idaho Falls

* Presentations by Idaho Transportation Department, Sika, Forterra Structural Precast, PCI Mountain States, HDR, and Lochner

* Precast bridges, basic structural analysis/design, construction technologies, hydraulic considerations

* Precast bridge site visit (non-seismic)

* Introduction to precast buildings/differences between precast bridges and buildings

* Bridge aesthetic using precast concrete

* Bridge competition: Construction and testing of precast bridge specimens under gravity loads considering strength, weight, cost, durability, and aesthetic

Year 2

Studio II: Precast Culverts (3 units)

* Introduction to precast/prestressed concrete

* Plant tours to OldCastle Precast in Spokane, Washington

* Presentations by PCI Mountain States, OldCastle Precast, Teton Prestress, HDR, and Lochner

* Introduction to hydraulics of culverts

* Fish passage in culverts

* Precast culverts, basic structural analysis/design, construction technologies

* Precast culvert site visit (non-seismic)

* Introduction to precast bridges/differences between precast culverts and bridges

* Precast culvert competition: Construction and testing of precast culvert specimens under gravity/flooding, considering strength, weight, cost, hydraulics, durability, and aesthetic

Year 3

Studio III: Precast Bridges - Seismic (3 units)

* Introduction to precast/prestressed concrete

* Plant tours to Forterra Structural Precast in Salt Lake City, Utah

* Presentations by PCI Mountain States Idaho Transportation Department, Sika, Forterra Structural Precast, Lochner, and JUB

* Precast bridges, basic structural analysis/design, seismic considerations, construction technologies, hydraulics

* Emulative and non-emulative cast-in-place seismic design technologies for precast bridges

* Experimental demonstration for nonemulative/ low-damage seismic design

* Precast bridge site visit (seismic zone)

* Introduction to precast buildings/differences between precast bridges and buildings

* Bridge competition: Construction and testing of precast bridge specimens under seismic loads, considering resiliency, repairability, durability, weight, cost, and aesthetic

Year 4

Studio IV: Precast Culverts - Seismic (3 units)

* Introduction to precast/prestressed concrete

* Plant tours to OldCastle Precast in Spokane, Washington

* Presentations by Idaho Transportation Department, PCI Mountain States, OldCastle Precast, Teton Prestress, HDR, and Lochner,

* Introduction to hydraulics of culverts

* Basic seismic design considerations for precast culverts

* Precast culvert site visit (seismic zone)

* Introduction to precast bridges/differences between precast culverts and bridges

* Precast culvert competition: Construction and testing of precast culvert specimens under seismic loads, considering resiliency, repairability, durability, weight, cost, and aesthetic

Copyright, PCI Foundation, 2025
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