The PCI Foundation board of trustees has announced a a new executive committee and several new trustees for 2019. Jim Voss of JVI Inc. in Lincolnwood, IL has been named chair, Tom Kelley of Gage Brothers in Sioux Falls, SD remains vice chair, and Dan Juntunen of Wells Concrete in Albany, MN has been named Secretary/Treasurer.

Joining the Board of Trustees in 2019 will be Doug Bevier of Clark Pacific in Fontana, CA., Chris Pastorius, of Metromont Corp., in Winchester, VA., J. Seroky of High Concrete in Denver, PA, Ray Clark of US Formliner in Athens, GA and Bob Konoske of Coreslab Structures of Perris, CA.
Trustees who remain on the board for 2019 are Todd Adams of JVI Inc., Dean Gwin of Gate Precast, Jacksonville, FL, Peter Finsen of Georgia/Carolinas PCI, Marietta, GA, Greg Force of Tindall, Spartanburg, SC, Leon Grant of Coreslab Structures, Thomaston, CT, Michael Malsom of The Consulting Engineers Group, Mount Prospect, IL, Marty McIntyre of the PCI Foundation, Chicago, IL, Marianne Methven of Hamilton Form, Fort Worth, TX, Bob Risser of Precast/Presterssed Concrete Institute, Chicago, IL, Adel ElSafty of University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL, Glen Switzer of Dura-Stress, Leesburg, FL.
Trustees retiring at the end of 2018 include Bob McCormack, Stormtrap, Romeoville, IL, and Keith Wallisof Prestresed Casting Co in Springfield, MO.