The PCI Executive Committee (EC) met last week and decided unanimously to move the 2021 PCI Convention in New Orleans to May 18-22, 2021. This decision followed the decision made by the NPCA Board of Directors last week to move the 2021 Precast Show to May 20-22, 2021. Council and committee meetings, education sessions, and awards presentations will be held in their usual fashion at the PCI Convention in May.
Consideration was given to holding the PCI Convention as a stand-alone event in February in New Orleans, but it was ultimately determined that postponing until May and keeping the two events together was safest and best for PCI members.
This decision was made in coordination with both NPCA and our partners in New Orleans, with whom PCI has engaged in ongoing conversations regarding pandemic-related variables and available dates. Weighing all factors, the PCI EC and professional staff determined that the prudent decision was to move the dates to ensure the health of all participants, as well as the overall success of the show and the PCI Convention.
Bob Risser PCI President and CEO