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Partner of the Year Award


The success of every PCI Foundation program is grounded in the dedication and support by local industry partners working in collaboration with engaged universities. The PCI Foundation Partner of the Year Award recognizes an individual who has shown exemplary leadership by facilitating experiential learning opportunities for students, who has built a relationship with a school, its professors and students by virtue of his or her work, and who serves as a model to other partners in collaborating with others.



To be eligible for this award, the partner must have worked with one or more school during the previous school year and must have facilitated programs with students in PCI Foundation-funded or previously funded programs - either on or off campus. For this award, the successful partner should have displayed significant effort, made a meaningful contribution, and have supported students and professors. This could be demonstrated through activities such as (but not limited to) the following:


  • Providing lectures on precast topics

  • Sitting with students for desk critiques

  • Setting up tours of precast plants or projects

  • Setting up internships

  • Collaborating with a Big Beam team

  • “Adopting” a student for a semester

  • Supplying products and giving demonstrations on how to use it

  • Providing travel support to PCI functions for students

  • Assisting with starting a student PCI chapter on campus


Award Criteria

A committee chosen by the chairman of the PCI Foundation will select the recipient of the Partner of the Year Award from nominations received, assuming they find a worthy candidate. The recipient will be announced at the fall meeting of the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute.


The committee will consider the nomination based upon the following criteria:


Alignment with PCI Foundation’s goals


  • Personal contributions and impact to the program (focusing on time and talent)

  • Level of interaction with the school and its students

  • Level of collaboration with the school and professor

  • Enhancing the student’s learning experience through personal dedication.



Nominations for this award will be accepted between July 1 -  September 1 of each year for the previous school year. They should be emailed to A partner may be nominated by a professor, school administrator, students, the partner’s employer or other party with knowledge of his or her collaborative work. The nomination should include:


  • Name and contact information for nominee

  • Name and contact information for nominator

  • A description of why you feel this individual deserves this Partner of the Year Award

  • A report of the collaboration between partner and the students & professor

  • Ways in which this partner contributed to program(s) or event(s) benefitting the PCI Foundation program on your campus (or programs in general)

  • Ways in which the partner has helped the university achieve its institutional goals

  • What the partner done to ensure continued working relationship in the future?

  • How the partner gone above and beyond expectations

  • Attach other letters of support if available

  • “Action” Photos and videos of the partner

Copyright, PCI Foundation, 2025
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