Legacy Society
Members of the industry who want to make a lasting statement may become part of the PCI Foundation Legacy Society through planned giving.
A planned gift is a philanthropic gift and legacy that is funded either during the donor’s lifetime or after the donor’s death. The gift is part of a larger estate-planning process in which the donor decides how certain assets are distributed.
The Benefits of Planned Giving
You will have the satisfaction of contributing to the education of hundreds of students and improving the quality of life of the region, the state, and the nation. Donors can be honored during their lifetimes for what they do, and they will leave behind a legacy of philanthropic support.
The tax advantages are substantial, especially on appreciated securities and properties. The total income, estate, and capital gains tax savings and the probate expense savings can come close to the amount transferred. The donor can receive income for life. Planned gifts remove property from probate, thereby reducing or eliminating probate expenses.
You can turn your funds over to a professional manager and diversify your investment portfolio. Many giving options can assure you of income for the rest of your life from your gift.
Planned gifts can prevent the dissipation of funds. You can provide for the needs of a dependent child or other family members who cannot manage the assets on their own. An up-to-date will is perhaps the most important tool in creating a planned gift. A proper will ensures that your property is distributed according to your wishes and provides for your family, allowing them to avoid the legal red tape that results should you die intestate (without a will).
Types of planned gifts include life insurance, closely held stock, living trusts, and endowment, a retained life estate, a charitable lead trust, a charitable remainder trust, or a charitable lead annuity.
If you would like to be recognized as a member of the PCI Legacy Society, please contact us at info@pci-foundation.org or call (708) 386-3715.