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PCI Foundation Contributors

What is the Leadership Circle?

Cumulative Donations Received January 1, 2001 - December 31, 2022

Some of the most committed donors have stepped up in the last 10 years to help the PCIF become exceptional. We are grateful for their generosity and feel it is important to recognize supporters who have contributed to the PCI Foundation’s success over time. To that end, we have singled out a “Leadership Circle” to recognize the cumulative giving of the select few who have carried the largest share of the PCI Foundation through its humble beginnings to our current robust programs.

Leadership Circle Corporate Donors

Platinum Circle $500,000 plus


Gate Precast

JVI Inc.

Gold Circle $250,000 to $499,999

Coreslab Holdings US Inc.


Tindall Corp.

Wells Concrete

Silver Circle $150,000 - 249,999

Blakeslee Prestress, Inc.

Charles Pankow Foundation

Hamilton Form

Bronze Circle to $50,000 - $149,999

ALP Supply

Clark Pacific Foundation

Consulting Engineers Group, The
Master Builders / BASF Construction Chemicals Inc.

Ross Bryan Associates, Inc.

Oldcastle Precast Building Systems

PCI Midwest

PCI of Illinois & Wisconsin

Sika Corp.

Sumiden Wire Products Company

Leadership Circle Personal Donors

Platinum Circle $50,000 plus

Jim Voss

Gold Circle $25,000 to $49,999

Gary Oakes

James Sorensen

Silver Circle $10,000 - $24,999

Ned Cleland

Theodore Coons

Thomas D'Arcy

Donald L. Faust Jr.

Gregory Force

Bruce Hartup

Thomas Hsu

Patrick Hynes

Daniel Jenny

Ed Knowles

Robert H. Konoske

Michael Malsom

Marty McIntyre

Clyde Poovey

Don Raths

Bronze Circle $5,000 - $9,999

Todd Adams

Matt Cherba

Peter Finsen

Harry & Cheryl Gleich

Leon H. Grant

Dean Gwin

Neil M. Hawkins

Paul Kourajian

Mike Lanier

Ruth Lehmann

Chuck Magnesio

Robert S. McCormack

Donald E. Meinheit

Marianne Methven Justus

Chris & Tina Pastorius

Charles Pizzano

Bob Risser

Anthony Sassaman

William F. Simmons III

Doug Sutton

Paul & Dora Zia

Givers $1000 - $4,999

Jim Ahtes

Douglas Bauer

Roger Becker

Paul Benson

Krista Brown

Jay & Renee Cariveau

Carl Harris

David Chapin

Ray Clark

William J. Clayton

Bill Daily

Ben Dalsing

Arthur Devecchis

J. Matt DeVoss

Tim Divinski

John Dobbs

Skip Francies

Sid Freedman

James Gerloff

Greg Gibbons

Matt Graf

Russell Gray

Carl Harris

Christopher Hicks

Amy Holliday

Dave Jablonsky

Greg Jacobson

Billy Jolly

Tom H. Kelley

Bill Kretzer

Jason Krohn

David Kucera

Bo Kusznir

Michael Lee

Joe Lombard

Tom McEvoy

Richard Miller

Chris Mosley

John Nanna

William Nickas

Monty Oehrlein

Peter Ollmann

Monty Overstreet

Rocco Palmi

Leonard Perlmutter

Chuck Prussack

Gregg Reese

John Saccoman

Steve Schweitzer

Mark Scott

Larbi Sennour

Rita Seraderian

J. Seroky

Jim Sirko

John Stanton

W.J. Stonebraker

Elizabeth Strohl

Glen Switzer

Roksana Taghizadeh

Richard & Judy Taylor

James Toscas

Diep Tu

Joseph Tuttle

Tim Voss Catrina Walter

Phil Wiedemann

Helmuth & Mary Lou Wilden

Gary Wildung

Randy Wilson

Amy Wright

Heidi Ziemann

2022 Individual Donors

All donations received between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022

Platinum $50,000 or more

Jim Voss

Silver $5,000 to $9,999

Patrick & Rhonda Hynes

Cheryl & Harry Gleich

Copper $1000 - $4999

Paul Benson

Krista Brown

Ray Clark

Leon Grant

Christopher Hicks

Ruth Lehmann

Chuch Magnesiio

Marty McIntyre

Monty Oehrlein

Charles Pizzano

Bob Risser

A.J. Sassaman

Glen Switzer

Bronze $500 - $999

Renee & Jay Cariveau

Adel ElSafty

Peter Finsen

Gregory Force

James Gerloff

Russell Gray

Ed Knowles

Paul Kourajian

Monty Overstreet

Christopher & Tina Pastorius

Steve Schweitzer

Peter Simoneau

Carl Taplin

Richard & Judy Taylor

Randy Wilson

Contributor - all other donors

 Abdullah Abdulwaha

Todd Adams

Matais Andrade

Laura Bennett

Doug Bevier

Dean Bierwagen

Alberto Borrego Sanchez

Joe Bracken, III

Raul Cabello

Reid Castrodale

Carlos Cerna

Matthew Cooper

Timothy Cullen

Ben Dalsing

Stephen A. Davis

Mike Dixon

Dan Eckenrode

Amr El Dieb

Ashley Fortenberry

Dean Frank

Sid Freedman

Seamus Freyne

Thomas Gabbert

Patrick Gallagher

Seth Gernat

Andriy V. Ghayevoy

Teofilo Gonzalez

Matt Graf

Travis Green

Corey Greika

John Guenther

Steven Hamvas

Kirk Harman

Daniel Hartwig

Derrick Hiott

Chris Isaack

Contributor (cont.)

AJ Ishikawa

Nathan Karaway

Steve Kegley

Les Kempers

Lisa Kennedy

Lloyd Kennedy

Michael King

Gary Klein

Brent Koch

Jason Krohn

Fadjar Kusumo-Rahardjo

Jason Lewis

Dennis C. Lind

Joe Lombard

Leonardo J Reyes

Natalie Martin

Eric Matsumoto

Donald E. Meinheit

Alexander Mihaylov

Brian Miller

Richard Miller

Andrew D. Mish

Maximo Molina

Kent Montgomery

Chris Mosley

Antoine Naaman

Michael Paris

Ryan Parker

Nancy Peterson

Steve Peterson

Richard Pickings

Andrew Ploetner

Marc Press

Chuck Prussack

Mary Lou Ralls Newman

Julian Ramirez

Scott Sabol

Contributor (cont.)

Matthew Schmidt

Jim Schneider

Kevin Schrock

Rudolf Seracino

Rita Seraderian

Brad Shipton

Stephen Skalko

Edith Smith

Louis Sovak

James L. Stames

Roksana Taghizadeh

Travis Thonstad

Paul J. Towell

Ryan Tracy

Joseph Tuttle

Colin Van Kampen

John Vosburgh

Kimberly Wacker

Philip Walker

Kristopher WalkFaust

Catrina Walter

Hayden H. Watson

Jeff White

Sugeng Wijanto

Paul & Dora Zia

Heidi Ziemann

2022 Corporate Donors

All donations received between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022

Advocate $50,000 - $99,999

JVI Inc.

Wells Concrete

Advocate $50,000 - $99,999

JVI Inc.

Wells Concrete

Supporter $25,000 - 49,999

Tindall Corp

Leader $10,000 - $24,999

ALP Supply

Gate Precast

Georgia/Carolinas PCI

Metromont Corp

Molin Concrete Products

Northeast Precast

PCI Mid Atlantic

PCI Midwest

PCI West

PCI Northeast

Sika Corp.

Spring Prairie

Sumiden Wire Products Corp.

Friend $5,000 - $9,999

Consulting Engineers Group

Coreslab Holdings US Inc.

Crest Precast Inc.

Dunham Price Group


Gate Precast

PCI Gulf South

Precast Specialties LLC

Prestressed Casting Co.

Standard Concrete Products


Alberici Constructors


Altus Group

Amerect Inc.

American Steel & Precast Erectors

Ammon Products Co.

Architectural Polymers

Assemblers Precast & Steel

ATM Concrete

AVAN Precast Concrete Products

Bass Precast Erecting Inc.

Canadian Precast/Prestresssed Concrete Institute

CarbonCure Technologies

Carl Harris Co., Inc.

Castillo Prestress

CCS Constructors LLC

Century Steel Erectors


Clark Pacific Foundation

Construction Products Inc.  of TN

Contractor Training Center

Creative Erectors LLC


Dayton Superior

EE Marr Erectors Inc.


Endicott Thin Brick & Tile

Fister Quarries

Florida Prestressed Concrete Association

Garcia Bridge Engineers

GMA Garnet

Hamilton Form

Helser Industries


Innovative Brick Systems LLC

Insteel Wire Products

J & R Slaw Inc.

J.P. Carrara & Sons. Inc.

J. P. Cullen & Sons Inc.

Jensen Precast


Mavone Holding Ltd.

MBK Maschinenbau GmbH

McCluskey Engineering


Mid-States Concrete Industries

Midway Supply Company

Midwest Steel

Midwest Industrial

Northwest Steel

PA-PO Industrial Systems LLC


Paul Jacks USA LLC

PCI of IL & WI

PCMA of Texas


Pfeil Design LLC

Pizzano Consulting Engineers

PKG Contracting Inc.

PTAC Consulting Engineers

Puetz Design + Build

Ross Bryan Associates

Sidley Precast Group

Skako Concrete Inc.

Southeastern Precast Erectors

Specialty Concrete Services Inc.

Splice Sleeve NA

Standley Baatch

Steelike Inc.



Tucker's Machine & Steel Service Inc.

Tutor Perini Corp.

US Crane & Rigging

UFP Concrete Forming Solution

Universal Concrete Products Corp.

Upper Peninsula Concrete Pipe

US Formliner


Waubonsee Development

All Other Donors

Copyright, PCI Foundation, 2025
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